Welcome to Benchmark

Benchmark is the trademark and brand of excellence under which our trading firms, Shiri and Seyon Traders, operate.

We are dedicated to delivering high-quality products and exceptional service. Benchmark represents our commitment to excellence across all our offerings. Feel free to browse our products and reach out if you have any questions. We are here to assist you!

Thank you for choosing Benchmark, a name you can trust.

About us

“Benchmark” a Nilgiri tea company founded by “Mr. N Devarajan” and now managed by “Mr. Rajesh Devarajan” who has involved himself as a most experienced tea maker in Varity of Tea’s.

Benchmark Tea factory tour is an informative tourism our aim is to make awareness about Tea. One can learn about health benefits of tea’s where manufacturing process is verified. A part of these a Chocolate Factory, Tea Plantation visit, Eucalyptus distillation and sales counters are also being placed inside the factory the view from the factory is scenoric.

“Benchmark” is the only company with the concept of single orgin nilgiri tea. Our tea’s and garden are fresh and also unblended Tea is the only highest hallmark of Benchmark Tea, it offer a unique taste of unblended varity of nilgiri tea. It offer a unique taste of unblended varity of nilgiri tea u can be assured of that Benchmark variety of Tea is manufactured at all ethical standards, unblended garden fresh single orgin Tea card by a tea maker who is passionate about ethical tea, finest quality traditional, Natural commited to sustanality to the future of nilgirs tea industry to small large growers also.

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